Use the <br /> tag if you want a line break (a new line) without starting a new paragraph.
Even if <br> works in all browsers, writing <br /> instead is more future proof.
Mailto Links
<a href="">Mailto Test Without Subject </a>
Mailto Test Without Subject
<a href=" Mailto Links">Mailto Test With Subject </a>
Mailto Test With Subject
Code Box as in forums
<p style="border:2px inset;width:300px"></p>
Create tables<table border="1">
<tr><th align="center"> Bold Heading</th><th align="center">Bold Heading</th></tr>
<tr align="center">
<tr align="center">
Bold Heading | Bold Heading |
(1,1) | (1,2) |
(2,1) | (2,2) |
Combine Rows
Bold Heading | Bold Heading |
Combined (1,1) & (2,1) | (1,2) |
(2,2) |
Combine Columns
Bold Heading | Bold Heading |
Combined (1,1) & (1,2) | |
(2,1) | (2,2) |
Hyperlink to open in a new window/tab
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Insert Images
To insert images from image hosting sites use the "direct link to image" and the following code
<img src="" />
In a table, add a non-breaking space ( ) to empty data cells, to make the borders visible
To display HTML code in an HTML document, replace the (<) with (<) (less than) and (>) with (>) (greater than).
If you want to display <>,replace only one of the symbols with corresponding (<) or (>)
To display (&) ampersand in an HTML document use (&).